Sunday, February 12, 2012

What are heat levels listed in the Remington wet2straight hair straightener instructions?

I accidentally threw away the instructions without reading the heat levels. Please list them for me.What are heat levels listed in the Remington wet2straight hair straightener instructions?
The person above me is right...

1-10 for dry hair

11-20 for damp hair

21-30 for wet hair... BUT...

if your hair is dry, don't turn it all the way up to 10 unless if your hair is hard to straighten! The lowest setting for each category is designed for hair that is thin and easy to straighten. The highest setting is designed for hair that is thick, curly, or difficult to straighten.

You may have to work with it a little to get the right setting, but I use this straightener and I find that it gives me GREAT results, yet it doesn't seem to work as well when my hair is wet. If I do it when it's wet, I'll have to wait until it dries and then do it again. It may be different for hair is naturally wavy and thick, but it gives me the best results if my hair is dry. Keep it clean and you'll get good results every time! :)

What are heat levels listed in the Remington wet2straight hair straightener instructions?
1-10 are for dry hair 11-20 is damp and 21-30 is wet.

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