il let you in on a big secret!!! buy some broken ones from ebay, send them of to the address on box stating that they blew up on you and that you brought them bout 11 months ago ( any thing under a year) from any salon you no that sells them and they will send you new ones with no questions asked!!! trust me!! my mate done this, then her mum, then i broke mine by getting in an arguement with my partner and smashing them!!! so i thought id give it a go, said they blew up which made me jump and i dropped them!!!! and within two weeks i got a brand new pair tho the post!!! i was well chuffed because mine were 3 years old!!, brought a broken pair of ebay since and done the same in my new address and got another new pair which i flogged on ebay!! lol, they send them out because they no they can blow up if they get too hot, which is there fault!What is the best hair straighteners to buy?
I have a Chi %26amp; a Revlon straightner %26amp; they both work great! I like the Revlon one more because its is big, thick %26amp; gets really hot so it works great on my thick hair! But the Chi one is PINK! :)
i have an ELITE but i want a MAXI GLIDE...they are really good.
ghd's and they are cheap on ebay
GHD' s are the best , it;s got to be said, they keep my hair straight all day long and they're worth every bit of money, ive got the wide plate GHD's , im getting the new ones soon
You need the CHI.
I have extremely thick hair, and it's also on the long side. I struggled just like you with finding a good quality straightener. Finally my cousin told me about the CHI, and I swear, it's the best thing I've ever bought.
It's pretty expensive - around 90 bucks - but believe me, it's worth the investment. I don't know why this iron works so much better than any other iron on the market, but it does. All CHI products have a great reputation around the globe.
It also leaves your hair very shiny and silky smooth.
If you just google CHI flat iron, you can shop around for the best price. You'll probably spend about that much money on crappy irons anyway, you might as well invest in a very high-quality product, especially if you have thick hair.
The best you can get is GHDs straighteners. You can buy them from any hair salon. The price is big but the results are ';perfection';! and remember to use the hair protections! It is a pair of professional styling iron with advanced ceramictechnology. I have really curly hair and i'm amazed everytime i straighten my hair. It's all about GHDs!!
You can get them cheaper on eBay.
Or try CHI straighteners.
well i would recommend a conair.Mine is red and has timer for it to shut off in either 5,10,15,20,25,30 you can change the also tells you when its all the heated up.but what ever you do don't get one you can change the heads because those don't work.
i had the nicky clarke ceramic digital straightners which cost 拢45 and were really good. but ive just got the new ghd straightner curl thing and they're brill if ya can wait and save up for em.
if not then i would recomend the nicky clarke ones as i have really long, think hair and they straightened my hair quickly and kept it (pretty much) as i wanted it all day.
I love Nicky Clarke - I have long, thick hair and these are fab - I bought mine in Boots for about 拢30 18 months ago
nicki clarke straighteners,my friend has some of them,and when i use them they make my hair look great,and i have thick hair.
for me CHI are the best!!!
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